Herbs of the Archangels

Angelica archangelica

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Bathed in Moonlight

The moon is full again tonight, this time in the sign of Scorpio. Since this is a water sign it is a good day for planting, although it is better to plant in a water sign while the moon is waxing. The full moon is still a good time, though.If you plant by the moon, the plants seem to grow better. There are lots of books on this subject that you can find. Or just get an astrological calendar or almanac to see where She is on any given day (or night). Plants are in harmony with the moon's cycles, as we all used to be, and many of us still are, whether we are aware of it or not. There is something about the light of the full moon that feels so healing to me. It has a gentle, pearly, motherly feel, that plants respond to. So do animals and other living creatures. Even stones seem to love moonlight. Try setting your house plants (and stones, if you are also a rockhound like me) in a window where the full moon can shine on them. They will thank you for it!
Try this: Make an infusion of a favorite herb, and let it cool. Put it into a clear jar and set it out where it can absorb the magical reflective light of the full moon. After a few hours you can use it."Take a cup and drink it up." Soak your stones in it. Pour it into your bath and soak in it while you are drinking the tea. See what visions come to your inner sight. Perhaps you will receive a Teaching from the Plant Kingdom. The herbs communicate with us in many ways.
Try this with different herbs--of course, make sure they are safe to ingest in this way--Experiment! The herbs have so much to teach us, and so many ways of imparting their wisdom to us. Learn from them as the living teachers they are. They are not just collections of chemical constituents any more than we are. Our DNA is closely related to the plant DNA.
We are one flesh, you and I.

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